OFRN Top 100+ Firefighter Apps
Here are the Oregon Fire Recruitment Network's Top 100+ Firefighter Apps for the iPhone. As there are MANY other apps out there that...
April 2015 Meeting Minutes
Here are the meeting minutes from our April meeting. Thanks to Jennifer Motherway for recording them! Click HERE for the minutes.
Firefighter Scholarships (Links)
For many firefighters, the cost of education can be overwhelming. Most firefighters dont have the time to spend in researching grants or...
Never search for Taskbooks again!
After the last OFRN meeting, one request that came up was to add a page on the website to link people to taskbooks from DPSST, NWCG and...
Please Take Our Survey!
We have just posted a survey and we need your help. If you visit the OFRN your information is important to us. In an effort to make our...
Upcoming Meeting Reminder
Quick reminder that the next OFRN meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 27th at Marion County Fire District #1 from 1:00-3:00. Danielle...
New How-To Guide!
We just posted a new How To Guide that talks about ways to improve your station so that your volunteers will want to spend more time...
Gift Ideas for Firefighters
It's tough to be original and find the ultimate gift for anyone, much less firefighters. We created a gift guide that may help you in...
Welcome new Members!
The OFRN would like to welcome the following new members: Chief Glan Fluhr from South Sherman Fire & Rescue, Mary Lou Busch from...
State Benefits for Firefighters
There are many benefits offered to both career and volunteer firefighters in Oregon, but its tough to know which is what and the amounts...